Wednesday, May 9, 2012

ACen Friday

Okay so after not being able to go to sleep for a long time because of the symphony going on in my room, I get maybe 4 or 5 hours of sleep. Maybe? I dunno. I get dressed and we all walk to the convention center to attend opening ceremonies. The opening ceremonies at ACen do not compare to the opening ceremonies at Revoluticon. Maybe because it's not as intimate? I dunno. Meeting all the guests was cool though. Especially Vic Mignogna stroking Travis Willingham's face XD

Anyway so after opening ceremonies and a little bit of wandering around the dealer's hall, I split off from Dove and Felicity to attend a Star Trek panel with Jared, Frank and Anthony...because I am that kind of awesome. Found out that Vic Mignogna and Todd Haberkorn are going to be staring in a webseries called "Star Trek Continues" and got so super excited about it. Again because I'm that kind of awesome (also known as lame) and ya know, that requires fangirling. Vic will be Kirk and Todd will be Spock. Amazing right?!

So let's see...after that, I reconnected with Dove and Felicity I think. I can't really remember the middle of Friday because not much happened. I think we went back to the room to eat, Felicity and I ventured out again out of boredom. Ended up going to the Eyeshine concert for a little bit and they were pretty good. After that, we waited in line for like 2 fucking hours waiting for LM.C to start their concert, at which point, we were joined by Ira. While Felicity and I waited in line without Ira, we played "I Spy" and became bored with it after like 30 minutes.

Finally, we get in and LM.C is all I dreamed they'd be. The lead singer was a little douchey but all-in-all it was an awesome performance and I would gladly go see them again. Especially since they played my two favorite songs ^__^ We didn't try to push to the front, watching from afar was just fine. This is where my voice is definitely starting to go. I'd talk normal for a while then it'd just go out suddenly. The guitarist was cute, Ira and I discussed this. He flicked his pick into the crowd after the show and I almost got it but this bitch mom yanked it away from me at the last second for her like 12 year old daughter. Whatevs.

After that, I said adios to Ira and Felicity so I could meet up with Anime Punch guys. However, Mike was not responding to my texts about where he was so I wandered down to the karaoke panel that I knew was hosted by a couple of them. After a little while in there, he finally replied and I headed up to the room they were in. This is where it gets interesting. I walk in and the room is packed with people. Mike makes me a tasty drink (as always) and I step away from the table so he can help the other people. Where I step to is directly in front of another AP guy who was hosting the karaoke downstairs but had stepped away, obviously for alcohol. I remembered him from Revoluticon but it was apparent that he didn't remember me which is forgivable since there quite a bit of people besides me who were much more memorable I'm sure XD So anyway, I get to talking to him and he somehow convinces me to go back downstairs and sing something in karaoke. Despite my failing voice. I'm sure you can see where this is going.

So we get back downstairs and a duet is promised so I don't look like a total toolbag. So Norm (AP karaoke guy) takes his seat up front and as I'm about to sit in the crowd, motions for me to join him up front. So, yay, front of crowd! This isn't weird at all >__> Especially since Robert is there <__< And everyone is staring >__> Anyway, our duet is decided and it's "My Eyes" from Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog. Fantastic movie, fantastic music, fantastic song. Only, I know that I can, in no way, sing any high parts. So I tell him that he has to sing Penny's part. He declines then decides to poll the audience. Big mistake. We all know that crowds like to see you embarrass yourself and so would much rather see a man sing a woman's part. So, he lets a few people go ahead of us so he can look up Penny's lyrics. We did sing a long when someone sang "Make a Man out of You" from Mulan though because, come on. How can you not? But, eventually, our turn is up and we sing the song and my voice cracks several times through it. But the crowds applauds after we're done and we're permitted to sit back down.

After the panel, back up to the room! Norm makes me a couple tasty drinks and we just chill and talk to everyone and I get super wasted somehow. Chad ends up coming to walk me back to the hotel because I'm not sure I can walk it on my own. Since I am super wasted and found out something that deeply hurt my feelings, I end up breaking down and crying all over Chad for like 30 minutes. It was kind of pathetic. I make it to the room at approximately 6am and collapse onto the bed in full clothes, falling asleep almost instantly.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

ACen Thursday

I suppose we can take a break from boyfriend troubles to talk about my favorite time of the year: ACen! I seriously look forward to this time of the year every year. After it's over, I get all sad and wish I could be back there even if there was drama, it was still amazing. I'm hoping to go to more cons this year than I have in previous years because, hey cons are awesome and I need more of this in my life.

So, on Thursday, I had prepared to wake up early so I could go and get my car checked out by Ira's uncle and we could leave early so the boys wouldn't have to wait forfreakinever in Chicago for us to get there. Because they rode the bus up there and left Indy at 9 am. Well, that didn't work out so well since I was up until like 6:30 am the night before working on cosplay. Whoops! So I wake up at like...1? Maybe? Anyway, I go smoke, call Ira and find out she's practically home already. Yay! As soon as she gets home, we head over to her uncle's shop where his boss is a total douche! Like, seriously. Anyway, I'm informed that my wallet is about to be ass-raped because there are ten thousand things wrong with my car. Thankfully, her uncle pretty much pays for the oil change, they put a little air in my tires, change out the turn signals and give my car sideburns. During this, Ira and I are cleaning out the multitude of trash that has built up in my car since I got it a year ago.

We get back to my house and Dove, Felicity, Ira and I somehow magically fit all of our stuff in my car. Like, holy crap. I realize that it was four girls in my car but holy damn. Lot of stuff. We take off! Only to return a few minutes later cause I forgot my purse >__< Then Chad demands my Lou Bega hat in return for retrieving it for me. Which is alright because it was starting to fly off of my head with the windows down anyway. So try #2 at leaving is successful and we start off! Dove's in the front and Ira and Felicity are in the back. We listen to wizard rock until we get to right before 465 in Indy which is when we pull over to get gas and snackage, Mcdonalds for me, Taco Bell for the rest of them...weirdos. Back on the road with Ira in the front! She has the special GPS so it's required for her to be in front. She switched the CD over to Skye Sweetnam and we girl out because fuck yeah Skye Sweetnam! Then woo 145 mile stretch of road! At some point, maybe 30 miles from the outskirts of Chicago, we pull into a rest stop and Dove starts driving so I get shotgun and Ira must return to the back seat. Eventually we get to the hotel and set up and shtuff. Ira takes some Nyquil and passes out. I get "Hey Saaaammy. You wouldn't happen to need to go to Wal-Mart anytime soon wouldja?" from like 2 of the boys. I'm all blarrrrg I just drove forfuckinever I don't feel like being in the car right now! Ugh! Eventually though, they won't shut up about it so I tell them if it's not too far away and if they get directions, I will take them. So Jared gets his GPS going and we all pile into my car. I would just like to point out that this was Jared, Frank, Anthony, Fargles and myself in my small car.

So, we lowride it to Wal-Mart with Frank, Fargles and Anthony squished in my backseat where the boys buy food and Jared buys me booze for giving them a ride. Yay! So after a return back inside because Anthony forgot that he wanted to look for pants for his Popo costume, we return to my car and start to go back. We get a good 10 minutes on our way back and Jared's phone dies...and Frank left his at the hotel... So what I'm telling you is: we're stuck somewhere in Chicago with no way to get back to our hotel. So Jared tells me that he remembers that the next step was to get off on 94 or whatever so we do that and start to drive on the highway. Then I see an exit for Bryn Mawr Avenue and I'm like "Hey! That road intersects River Road!" and turn off onto it. Our hotel was on River Road btw. So we take that exit and then come to an intersection. Right or left? Well to the left, it's a different road name (something with an A) than to the right (Bryn Mawr) so I'm like, "Alright, let's go right!" So we go right...all the way to the end of the road. The end of the road is in a barely lit part of town with a bus terminal and it's really creepy. So I'm like, "Okay guys...right or left?" I think we end up going left. Anyway, we wander around town a little bit before I tell them that if I don't get gas soon, we'll be stranded. So we stop at the weirdest gas station ever with the tiniest gas pumps I've ever seen and ask the gas station attendant for directions. This is how that conversation went:

Me: Hi! Do you happen to know how to get to Donald E. Stephens convention center?
Him: that by the arena?
Me: Um, I dunno. It's on River Road.
Him: Yeah! There's an arena on that road. It's right by the arena!
Me: Okay...well how do you get there from here?

Then he gave me some crap directions that had a part where it sounded like 7 minutes to me but apparently like 7 miles to Jared, who had come inside with me. So we go the way he told us. No River Road. So we stop again at some small convenience store and ask again. This guy was easier to understand and actually seemed to know what he was talking about. So we get in the car and start driving again, still lowridin btw. This guy's directions made a bit more sense but I think he thought we were talking about East River Road because that's what he directed us to. We turned left on that road like he told us and remained lost. I'm not sure how we came to find River Road. I think it was magic, myself. Anyway, we found River Road and amazingly were able to turn the right direction to get back.

Back at the hotel, we put all our crap away and prepare for sleep...I think Fargles fell asleep first. And oh boy can that boy snore! I think this was the loudest snoring of all time! Then Frank joined in for a symphony of snoring which was contributed to by others a little bit. So Jared, Ira and I, who could not sleep because of all the noise, decided we were gonna go on a walk through the hotel. So we wander. We found many many many sculptures and paintings and the like and pretended to study each one with a thoughtful eye. I believe, "It's just so...THERE!" was uttered at one point XD We found a place where they were about to have coffee so Ira stole a mug and some honey. At one point during our wandering, we ran into Ethan, Garett, Ben and Chad as they were getting off the elevator. Walked with them for about 2 seconds then were like "Hey wanna get the fuck outta the break room?" So we said bye to them. We wandered enough to find a fitness center. In our infinite wisdom, we decided to work out because hey why not? Chad stopped by to say hello before heading to the convention center. After he left, we stole some fruit that we rightfully earned from our work out and headed back upstairs.

After dropping off our thousands of oranges, we went back downstairs. Ira and I played with the hand dryers in the bathroom and put a napkin under a table thing that lifted up. Jared also hid Ira's pilfered honey under there after she went to the bathroom again. We ascewed many pictures then went back upstairs to go to bed. I believe that is the end of Thursday. Next up: Friday!