Saturday, April 20, 2013

Whine whine blah blah

So, Dustin has this friend named Rita. Rita and Dustin used to date for like ever and they were super serious. And she dumped him and he like wanted her back for a really long time... Now, they're just friends and that's all. Best friends.

Anyway so last week, Rita wanted Dustin and I to come over and hang out and this would be the first time I would meet her. It was super awkward as expected and I was okay with leaving. Now, don't get me wrong, Rita is super nice and I can see why Dustin would think we'd be good friends or whatever. She's also really pretty. Like way prettier than me. Fuck.

So, I made it through that awkward situation only to be reminded that I had agreed to go with Dustin to Rita's father's (his name is Dan) retirement party. Dustin really looks up to Dan and said that Dan is like a second father to him. So I'm like, "Well there's gonna be a lot of people there, maybe it won't be as awkward as I'm thinking." So we get there today and at first, it's fine. Rita's family is really nice and very welcoming, doling out all kinds of congratulations and stuff. So I think I'm gonna make it through without it being too awkward even though at one point, there's Dustin, myself, Rita and Rita's best friend, Lindsay (who Dustin also had a little fling type thing with) all hangin out in one room together... yaaaaaay.

Then it comes time to leave. Goodbye to Lindsay. Goodbye to Rita. Goodbye to Rita's mom (I would tell you what her name is but honestly, I don't think I can spell it) with multiple promises to keep her updated about baby type things. Then we say goodbye to Dan, who says, "You know, I was really hoping Dustin would be my son-in-law but that didn't turn out..." Well that's a weird thing to say to me but alright, brush it off. Then we're about to leave and Dustin wants to say goodbye to Roman (Rita's brother) so we hug him and are walking back to our car and Roman says, "Dustin, you were supposed to marry my sister."


Am I overreacting? Like that's not something you say to someone or their spouse. What? Maybe it's my crazy pregnancy emotions that have made me so upset about this... I don't know. It doesn't help that these people are like a second family to Dustin and so they're super important to him.

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