Friday, January 27, 2012

Warning: ADD ahead

What does one do for a first post in a blog? I suppose I could talk about myself but…that seems a little boring, doesn’t it? I mean, if you’re coming here, you already know who I am. Well, for those of you who don’t, I uh… I am a nerdy, crazy, clumsy, sometimes alcoholic, hopeless romantic and aspiring writer. I’m not used to writing about myself… Onward!

I guess the reason I started this was because I wanted to rant about stuff and not spam my Twitter followers and Facebook sucks. I mean EVERYONE is on Facebook and that makes it awesome to make sure you stay in touch with people but when something is actually going on, suddenly people you never talk to want to become your special therapist because they think they know what’s going on. Man, I love when that happens. Also, sarcasm is great.

Anyway, so today (yesterday technically) I…eh back story is needed here obviously. So, every Thursday, my group of friends and I go out to eat Chinese food. It was a long-standing tradition before I came along but they just love me so much, they deigned to allow me to join them eventually. I may have invited myself along the first time but they realized my awesomeness and decided they needed to have more of that in their lives so I started going. I promise I’m not really this arrogant. In this group of people, there is a guy (yeah I know) who I have admitted to his face that I like him. That took a lot of courage. Maybe he’s not the kind of guy that likes to reject people or something because he tells me he likes me too…kinda. Now that I look back, I’m not sure he ever actually came out and said it at that point in time. I was drunk, I don’t remember the conversation. Anyway, so on New Year’s Eve, I’m all, “I will kiss-rape your face if you don’t stop me right now.” I didn’t actually say it that way but that was the gist. He actually stops me and says “Blah blah blah…I think you’re really cool. Blah blah blah… I really like you. I wanna go slow because [insert personal reason here] and I don’t wanna mess things up. I’m trying to focus on that and not relationships right now.” Now, this would’ve been fine. You have issues, whatever; everyone has baggage. I get it. Then, not two weeks later, we’re at a Christmas party together. Yeah… Christmas party in January; they obviously know their months. Anyway, a mutual friend comes to tell me that this guy (let’s call him…Clark Kent. Cause I like superheroes) has been trying to get with this girl that they work with for weeks. Of course, at first hearing this, I’m like, “Psh whatever. Gossip is lame.” However, every girl makes the mistake of investigating rumors. I consulted a lot of people and, turns out, it may not be totally untrue. Then, I actually see Clark with this girl and it’s all obvious how much he likes her. So, I says to myself, “Samantha! You don’t need this crap in your life. Look for someone who actually likes you and wants to be with you.” I decided, then and there, that it would be best not to pursue Clark anymore. Obviously, I still like him and we’re still friends but I just figured it’d be easier for me to just not try for that anymore. Now sometimes, Clark sends me these sweet texts and it makes me blush and I have to remind myself what I had said and forget about him. Also, he gives me these weird, lingering hugs; hugs which are longer than normal ones sometimes. It makes me hope then he invites the girl to Chinese and other outings and they go to movies so I realize that it’s stupid to think about that kind of stuff.

Anyway, back story completed, Clark invites the girl to Chinese and all that. I give up. I’ve tried to move on to someone else who has kind of given me the same run around. This guy (let’s call him Peter Parker. I really like superheroes.) says the same “let’s take it slow” kind of thing. It makes me wonder if he’s trying the same thing. Are Superman and Spiderman both trying to just let me down slowly? I dunno.

By the way, sorry if there was a lot of grammar mistakes in there but I was trying to type how I talk and it didn’t work so well or so says the proofreading thingy on Microsoft Word.

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