Friday, March 23, 2012


Aaron. Just the name scares me sometimes. Ours was a story of high school sweethearts but much younger. I met him when I lived in Spencer in the fifth grade. So that was what… uhh 2000? I think so. He lived down the road from where we lived and we rode the bus together. He fought my battles for me and made sure the other kids didn’t make fun of “the new girl.” Then I moved again. I figured I’d never see him again. Then, in the summer between 8th and 9th grade, I got a friend request on MySpace (gay!) and we reconnected. We hung out a lot because he would drive from Spencer to see me. Our friendship grew to a relationship in the course of a few months.

At that point, everything was great. He was attentive and took me out to eat and on dates. For my first real relationship, I thought it was perfect. Then things started to get weird. At first it was just little things like getting jealous and angry when I talked about my guy friends (of which I had many) even if it was something small and insignificant. That, though, wasn’t enough to make me worry. Since I hadn’t had a real relationship, I figured that underneath cool exteriors, all guys were that way. However, it quickly became apparent that he was not like other guys as I had first suspected.

The first time it happened, I’ll never forget. We had been having a great day. Laughing, joking, smiling…it all disappeared the instant I told him that I had hung out with my guy friends a few days before that. He asked me if I had feelings for any of them. I told him no but that was not the right answer apparently. His hand swung up and across my face before I could even react; before I even knew what was going on. I covered my face in shock, tears spilling out automatically. His face went from anger to apologetic in an instant. He told me that he was sorry and said he’d never do it again. Ever.

The second time is less memorable. All of them have blurred together that I barely remember which moment was which. Just blinding pain and the fear that struck in my gut any time another man was brought up, whether by me or by him. Always followed by an apology and a promise to never do it again. There’s a scar on my right forearm from when he swung at me with a claw thingy that you garden with, you know what I’m talking about. I have a part of my hip that can’t feel anything because we got into a car accident because he had my thigh in a death grip and I was trying to struggle free and, somehow the nerves were damaged. If bruises left scars, there’d be scars on my face, arms and legs. After the first few times when it was noticeable and he ran out of excuses for his mother, he started hitting in places that could be covered with clothes.

Now, you may be asking, “Sammy, what the fuck? Why didn’t you get out of there as quickly as possible?!” Here’s where it just gets stupid. Along with the physical, there was also emotional abuse as there usually is. He had me convinced that no one ever would love me. He was the only one who could, who ever would. I mean, who could ever love a girl like me? I’m stupid and ugly and blah blah blah. This is how it went and I believed it. So now there’s emotional scars left on my pride, my dignity and my self-esteem.

Eventually, with enough encouragement from friends, I was able to break up with him. Although, none of my friends believed that he actually existed even though they all saw the bruises. I guess since they never met him, he must not be real right? So, on top of the physical and emotional scarring, I knew I couldn’t really rely on my friends to be there for me when I needed them because they’d just think I was lying. The thing was I didn’t want him to hurt anyone. When a psychopath gets into it, I don’t care how strong you are, he’s taking you down. I loved my friends too much to let anything happen to them. Anyway, even if it meant that I’d never have love again, I broke it off. That was one of the scariest moments of my life. Of course, I hadn’t been through the next few months and years, really, yet so I had no idea.

Aaron became a constant fixture in my nightmares, which I was having nightly and still do occasionally. It is a lot easier if someone is in the bed with me, which is why I love to cuddle. I don’t have nightmares. My nightmares were not the only terror I got from him, though. He’d come to my house and visit sometimes. My room at my parents’ house was on the ground floor so all he had to do was come up on knock on the window and he knew I’d always answer. Mostly, I was scared for my family. He could so easily get to my sisters but he didn’t want them. He wanted me. So I always answered for him which ended up with me being knocked out by having my face slammed into my window pane and waking up with the window still open and dew collected in my hair and on my face at 6:30 in the morning. Still, I always answered. One of the worst moments was when he came to my house after he had just acquired a gun. I wondered how he could’ve passed any kind of test to carry a weapon but I’m sure he didn’t have a permit. That raised the stakes to an insurmountable level. I felt like I was drowning in my own terror or that nothing I could do would ever get rid of him; get him out of my life.

After that, I had a few visits from him at home or at my work when I worked at the gate house down at the lake, where he backhanded me because I was alone and he could do that, I guess. Last summer, he came to my house again after a few months of silence. I think one of the worst things about him is that he’d leave for a while and, right when I thought he was gone for good, I’d hear that knock on my window and feel the weight settling in my stomach and just know that he’d be there with that smile on his face and the “Hey Sammy baby!” ready on his lips. After last summer, though, he’s disappeared completely. One of the times I drove out to Spencer, I drove past his mom’s house, hoping to see his sister or brother or any of his family really, just to make sure they were okay. There’s another family there now. I asked them if they knew where the previous owners were and they didn’t.

I don’t know where he went or if he’s still alive really. I know it’s bad to wish death on a person but if there is anyone in this whole world I would like to see tortured to death, it’s that man. When I moved out, I knew I wouldn’t hear that knock or have to lie in bed, wondering if he’ll visit tonight until I’ve been up until 5 and I can’t keep my eyes open anymore. The thing is though, when I moved out, my youngest sister moved into my old room. Since then, I’ve had this constant panicky feeling that he might come to see me and find her there instead. The thought has haunted me for…oh I don’t even know how long. Every day that she makes it through the night, uninterrupted and not terrorized is another day that I know he’s been gone. Maybe he knows what my car looks like and deduced when it wasn’t there for several weeks in a row. One can only hope.

I’ve figured it out that he is the basis of all of my trust issues. All of my issues, really. Well, I guess it’s not only him but we won’t go into all that. Now that you know my worst, let’s continue on to Chris.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I need to have written diarrhea

Have you ever written something out just so the memories can fade and you won't have to think about it anymore? That's how I feel about my past relationships. I don't want to think about them but I can't stop because I don't think I've ever told anyone the full story mostly because no one's ever really asked... So with these next few blog entries, I'm gonna go into detail all the ups and downs of the "love" I experienced.

With this one, I'll start with the ones that I don't count because they didn't last very long. My very first boyfriend was named William Marsh and I only started dating him because my best friend, Kaela, had a huge crush on his best friend and thought that if Will and I got together, they'd have a shot. It was also partially so that I could say, "Hey I have a boyfriend!" I used to be really shallow -__- When Kaela and Will's friend broke up, our relationship didn't last long. He had nothing in common with me and frankly, I was a lot smarter than him and that made conversations with him pretty boring. Maybe that's mean to say but I don't really care. He didn't take the break up well and insulted me at every chance he got. Being who I was back in middle school, I didn't take it lightly eventually ending up with me beating him up. I was a much angrier person back then. That changed once high school hit and you'll find out why.

After Will was Jeff. We all know Jeff. We dated for a measly month to a month and a half and our physical relationship amounted to no more than hugs and holding hands. He was kind of a dick back then. We weren't even great friends or anything and so that deteriorated our relationship. I don't even remember why we broke up but I remember it had to do with him being an asshole.

Those were the couple insignificant relationships I had before my first big one. We'll cover Aaron in the next blog post.

Monday, March 12, 2012

In a nutshell, I am stupid

Okay let me set the scene for you. We're at Sam's doing Nerf wars and it's probably midnight or something. It's Danny, Derrick, Courtney, Sam, Dustin and myself and we're doing a free-for-all type of thing. Danny and Courtney are already out of the game and I'm hiding in the corner made by the couch and the wall. Dustin comes around the corner and I don't know if I shot him a bunch or if I just got a headshot but I got him out. Then, while he's telling Danny how I got him out, I start reloading and say jokingly, "Love you, babe."

Before I'm even finished saying it, I already know it's a mistake. I didn't mean to say it. Hell I don't even know if I meant it, it just slipped out. He didn't say anything so I'm not even sure if he heard what I said considering immediately after I said it, I asked about the remaining people in the round. He didn't say anything about it for the rest of the night and didn't seem to be bothered at all so I dunno...

I've always been kinda loose with the "love" word in the first place. I tell a lot of people I love them and I truly do. I just know that that is a kinda sore spot with him. I'm pretty sure he doesn't even believe in love. I just don't know to apologize if I don't even know if he heard it. Just be like, "Hey so if you heard me tell you that I love you, it was totally an accident." I can only imagine any one of his possible reactions. "You told me that you LOVE me? What the fuck?!" or "Okay...I think we need to take a break, you're kinda freakin me out." ughhh

Saturday, March 10, 2012


It has been decided. I am in love with powerful cars. Angie's boyfriend/fiancé Chris just took us for a ride in his Camaro. Just imagine the pure power of the V8 engine pushing the blood through your veins, making your heart race and a smile spread across your face. Every time he shifts gears, your heart skips a beat and your nerves tingle. It was amazing taking hairpin curves at 60, 70, 80 miles an hour, feeling like you were gonna slide off the road at any moment but never actually doing it. I'm pretty sure we drifted at one point. All in all, it was an awesome time.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

A bit belated but whatever

I sit here at a funeral for a woman I barely knew. I'm not sure what emotion to convey: grief, indifference, a willingness to talk to people? I don't know. This isn't really a social situation anyway. This isn't a chance to catch up and talk about your school/career. I don't know how to act when I'm in this kind of situation. There are many people here I know but fear to talk in case I say the wrong thing. What am I supposed to say when they ask, "What was your favorite thing about Jude?" How am I to answer that when I barely remember anything about her? Should I default to the, "She was such a vibrant person who always made everyone happy."? I feel nothing at first except for a nervousness that I won't act or feel correctly. Anyone who comes up i just wanna say, "I don't wanna play the pretend everything's okay so let's catch up game. Move on to someone else." I just hope my short, conversation killer answers are enough to make them give up. I mean there are people I haven't seen in years but I just lost all socializing desires as soon as I entered this funeral home. I may joke about or watch movies about death but when you're immersed in such tangible grief, you find that death isn't as funny as you used to think. Then I see her daughter, the reason I'm even here. She's standing at the front, looking at the pictures of her mom. I sidle up as she's reading her mom's favorite poem and put a hand on her shoulder. She finishes reading and scoffs, saying, "that's just like her" before turning to me to ask how I am. I'm dumbstruck. For her, of all people, to ask me how I'm doing when in the midst of all this grief, is just amazing. After I tell her that I've been fine, give her a hug and offer my condolences, I return to my seat. After I've had enough of the tension in the room, I head outside where half of the guests are catching up since it's so nice and not crowded outside.

Then I see him. The man who made my childhood a living hell. That man (let's call him...Harvey Dent) tries to talk to me but Melissa pulls me away just as he's about to hug me. I feel my heart pounding and my hands shaking but I don't let him see what a mess he has made me in the few minutes since I made eye contact with him. I'm sure he saw the fear in my eyes that still resides in the very memory of him. After the short encounter, I scurry back to the safety of my seat next to my mother, who has returned from socializing and rest my head on her shoulder.

Then the service starts. It's lovely. It's exactly what I want when I die. Jude was cremated so there was no body. Instead, they had a few poster boards that were made and a slide show. The whole service was just an open forum for anyone to come up and share a story about her that they just wanted to get off their chest. There were many touching stories but also funny ones. Laughter is always welcome at my funeral. I would want my friends and family to reminisce about all the good times we had. Jude had obviously enriched many lives in her short time on this earth so I hope to be the same.

R.I.P. Jude Gater