Friday, July 13, 2012

Live life to the fullest

I was told the other day by a customer, "I want you to do...everything that I wouldn't do...and enjoy the fuck out of it because I'm too scared to do it myself." I hope to never live my life that way. I hope that I'm never too afraid to do what I want. I feel like if you're living only what you're not scared of then it's just a half-life (and not in the cool video game way either) and honestly that's no way to live. There are people I know who refuse to do the things they want because they're scared or alone and don't want to do it themselves.

I've never had social anxiety so I don't really understand when someone can't just walk up to another person and be like "Hi! I'm alone today cause all of my friends are douchebags. Want to come do this awesome thing with me so I don't have to be by myself?" Admittedly, they might say no but that's about the worst that can happen. I do recognize the fear of rejection and have experienced it many times. Someone just telling you, "No I don't want to be with you/spend time with you/keep you company." is a scary thing because it makes you feel like you're not good (enough) for anyone. And that's a terrible way to feel no matter who you are or your self-image. There are people out there who claim to not be afraid of rejection but they are liars. They ate just incredibly good at hiding their fear and possible disappointment. Everyone gets that fluttery feeling in their stomach and the quickening of their heart when entering a situation like that. Some of us can just play it off a lot easier than some, mostly because we've had a lot of practice because we've put ourselves in that situation a lot.

So next time someone comes up to you when you're at a festival or a con or something like that and asks if they can spend some time with you because they're all alone, think about how hard it was for them to come up to you like that instead of being creeped out. Also, next time you're alone, try making a new friend. You never know, that person could be your next best friend.

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