Tuesday, February 21, 2012

All that is us

There are lots of things that make us different. I watch Youtube videos about sappy love stories or anime AMVs whereas you watch ones about wrestling commercials and Tim and Eric. When I want to go away, I partake in mind-altering chemicals whereas you meditate and contemplate the mysteries of the world. When we go out, you want to treat me to everything and treat me like a princess whereas I want to go explore places I know you’ve never been just so I can introduce you to something that has brought me joy before. When we talk, you let me whine to you about my dramas but if you want to talk, it’s just to talk to me about all of the insights you thought of that day. You love pretty much every food I hate.  I like to dive right in but you already want to take a few steps back. I’m a hopeless romantic and you’re just a cynic. You don’t believe in love at first sight or love at all for that matter but I do. I hate facial hair; you hate how you look without it. You like talking and I hate talking on the phone so would rather type things out. You don’t mind staying here and I want to run far away from Indiana. You’ve graduated college with two degrees; I never even finished two years. We’ve both got big dreams but you’re already on the track to yours while I’m meandering around the beginning of the trail, lost. You have no interest in Harry Potter but I love everything about it. You haven’t seen very many of the movies I’ve seen. You think most of my music is stupid even if you don’t really say anything about it. You want to know everything about me and I’m not sure I’m ready to let everything be known. You have a low standard for what qualifies as “friendship” but don’t have very many “best” friends whereas I am the exact opposite. You’re a slow and cautious driver but I drive like a maniac. You have way more faith in me than I do. You go to bed at a ridiculously early time every night and I stay up until 7 in the morning, writing blogs about all the ways I feel about things.

Despite all of these differences, I like everything about you; from your stupid insecurities to your sweet, caring nature to the fact that you never seem disappointed in me, even when you should be. You make me happy because you live 40 minutes away but that doesn’t stop you from coming to see me at the first chance you get. You call me every night, even if it’s just to ask me how my day went and to say good night. You come over if even for an hour to make me feel better if I’m sick or have been having a bad day. You encourage me to have my right to be upset but also remind me to forgive when I feel like I can handle it. You go along with my crazy ideas even if you have no idea what I’m talking about. You always know what to say to make me smile, blush or be embarrassed. I’ve only known you for a few months and you already know me more than a lot of my friends. You make funny faces at me and hold them until I look over and bust up laughing.

Because even though we have various differences, we also have a lot of similarities. I’ve discovered we’re both humongous nerds, in a good way of course. You like making people laugh and I like to laugh a lot. We both think that we suck even though we don’t. We both love cheesecake. We both love to write. We both like to think we’re right all of the time. Butt or fart jokes make both of us giggle like schoolchildren because we’re both immature. Neither of us wants kids. We both like terrible horror movies.

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